AquaRiser – Hypochlorous acid generator from Japan (High-volume usage)
Original technology from food processing industry in Japan. AquaRiser is widely used in Japan for more than 20 years. There are many proven evidences of its effectiveness. This technology is developed to serve high-volume usage of hypochlorous acid and electrolyzed water in Food processing factory.
Hypochlorous acid is the natural powerful oxidant that white blood cell creates to kill pathogens. We use only food grade raw material. So that we can ensure that operator can safely operate the equipment without handling of any hazardous substances.

Hypochlorous acid lifetime expansion technology
Normally, hypochlorous acid is easily dissolved by time so that it cannot be stored for a long time. AquaRiser development team, however, invented new method of keeping hypochlorous acid stable and prolong hypochlorous acid shelf life. Still, hypochlorous acid from AquaRiser will be dissolved if contacting with ultra-violet (UV) ray or organic substances as ordinary Hypochlorous acid. This technology is patented in Japan as AquaRiser original technology.
As shown in the below picture, shelf life of our Hypochlorous acid can be extended to 600 days of storage under temperature of 20 Celsius degrees, while maintaining residual free chlorine rate more then 70%.

Also, we have conventional technology with lower cost for customer’s choice in order to generate Hypochlorous acid and use instantly on site.
Outstanding features of AquaRiser
- Our Hypochlorous acid existence rate is approximately 6 times higher than ordinary “Electrolyzed water”.
- Our technology is flexible in concentration tuning from 1ppm to hundreds ppm.
- AquaRiser keeps stable concentration. Unlike other technologies, concentration of our Hypochlorous acid does not vary by water flow rate.
- Our device generates Hypochlorous acid at a glance, not batch production. Users can continuously use Hypochlorous acid, no need to wait for the next production batch.
- There is no need to contact with any hazardous raw material.
- There is no any toxic residue and no unwanted by product.
- After killing pathogens or contact with organic substances, our Hypochlorous acid will be dissolved into water. There is salt content less than 0.02%.
- There is no chlorine gas production, or chlorate contamination.

Excellent disinfectant effectiveness
Hypochlorous acid is well known as natural powerful oxidant agent in human immunity system. It can kill 99.99% of bacteria, virus, and some kinds of fungi and its spore with very small contact time. When comparing with Sodium hypochlorite, Hypochlorous acid requires much less concentration (ppm) but has better disinfectant function and no toxic residue after used. There is no need to rinse by water afterward, unlike other disinfectant agents.

Usage example of Hypochlorous acid
We can replace chlorine usage (Sodium Hypochlorite) with Hypochlorous acid. So that there are many actual applications since our technology (AquaRiser) has more than 20 years of usage history in Japan.

Support high-volume usage
AquaRiser serves needs of high-volume usage; for example from 33 tons/day (30ppm) until 258 tons/day (30ppm). At this rate of production, we can wash vegetables, meats, and any food ingredients up to 3,300 kg per day with the smallest size of AquaRiser. The largest size of AquaRiser can wash food ingredients up to 25,800 kg per day. The equipment suits well to food processing factory, hospital, or large scale of facility center. There are 4 models of your choice.
T20 – The smallest model that can generate 33 tons of Hypochlorous acid daily at concentration of 30ppm, but higher concentration can be used with lower generation capacity.

T50 – The standard model of AquaRiser which normally generate 57 tons of Hypochlorous acid daily at concentration of 30ppm, but higher concentration can be used with lower generation capacity.

T100 – This is model for high-volume user which generates 129 tons of Hypochlorous acid daily at concentration of 30ppm, but higher concentration can be used with lower generation capacity.

T200 – Heavy-duty model of AquaRiser which generates 258 tons of Hypochlorous acid daily at concentration of 30ppm, but higher concentration can be used with lower generation capacity.

Here is the summary of technical specification of AquaRiser